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About SIES School of Learning and Leadership Development

SIESSLLD is the newest entry in the family of SIES educational ventures having been launched in November 2022. The earlier central training department of SIES is merged with SIESSLLD. It is primarily going to be an internal competency building institute that would aim at equipping the teaching as well as non-teaching staff of all SIES institutions to get ready with the required skill sets of tomorrow. The objective is to build a world class institute that would cater to developmental needs of internal human resource (teaching as well as non-teaching). The school will also supplement the efforts of other SIES institutes in equipping the students with skills & competencies of tomorrow.

The above has become necessary as the Indian education system is under a phase of massive transformation. Technological disruptions and new ways of learning are one part of the story. Changing facets of the new generational learners and their ever-evolving aspirations are the other important dimension. How to keep them engaged is one of the biggest challenges before the educators world over. The emerging new skill sets and competencies in view of evolution of industry 4.0 are adding to the complexity. While NEP 2020 addresses some of these issues from a philosophical perspective, ground realties are to be addressed by people leading and managing the educational institutions.

It is in this context that the major internal stakeholder i.e., the teachers and also non-teaching staff at all levels from schools to doctoral level need to revisit their existing skill sets and competencies and try to gear up to face the challenges of tomorrow.

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