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Training is at the core of creating a cadre of professional people in a knowledge society like SIES. If SIES has to take a leap forward in a highly changing, competitive, and dynamic world, training must play an active role as that can act as a catalyst for creating a cadre of enlightened faculty who can facilitate developing an educational Trust to meet future challenges.

We created an exclusive Central Training Department in July 2014 (SIESCTD) to proactively plan, strategize and implement training and development activities at a central level. The department continues to play an important role, working in collaboration with SIES institutions, catering to their needs, and implementing need-based developmental programs and programs on contemporary issues of relevance.

During the years SIESCTD has implemented varied programs in research, skill enhancement, general awareness, personality development. International Speakers have shared their perspectives on research and other teaching-related areas. Even in pandemic times, the learning continued, and the teaching staff were oriented to different training programs to face the challenging scenario with new norms so that the online teaching-learning process continues effectively and efficiently.

The department focuses on skill and research development initiatives which contributes to the MISSION 2025 of the society – SIES SHALL BE AMONGST THE MOST ADMIRED ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS IN INDIA.

Dr. V. Shankar,

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